  • Interview Instructions:

    Nomadic Meat is not just a clothing company. We are a nomadic community-based resource for carnivore diet advocates, ambassadors and all those enriching their lives with a diet of only good, healthy meat and animals fats as more and more of us are taking control of both our health and food supply. Our goal is to help others who need motivation, support, resources and education as they embark upon their new way of eating. The best way to do that is through personal stories from community members such as yourselves. We share stories from all over the world; the good, the bad and the life changing...

    In our success story interviews we ask everyone the same questions and expect thoughtful responses in return. We're committed to publishing every interview as long as you are willing to put thought and time into your replies so they'll be useful to the community.

    Interviews are published in the order in which they are submitted after careful review. The requirements and questions are listed below. Please read them carefully before you submit your interview. Take some time to copy the questions, answer them carefully, then return to this page to copy and paste your answers into the submission form. We will only publish original replies (do not copy from an already published article or interview you've done in the past). Outgoing links will be published as no-follow.

    - Meaningful high resolution photo of yourself BEFORE you started the carnivore diet and AFTER you reached your goal(s) with the carnivore diet (at least 800px wide & 600px high and not stretched to fit)
    - A 250-550 word Bio (written in third person)

    - Link to your website (your own domain/url) (No Facebook pages or other domains/urls you don't own.)
    - Username for your Instagram Account

    Interview Questions:
    1 - What is your favorite life quote?
    2 - Why did you adopt the carnivore diet?
    3 - What changes did you make to adjust to the diet?
    4 - What challenges did you face when switching to the carnivore diet?
    5 - How did you overcome those challenges?
    6 - What does success look like for you?

    Who should submit a success story:
    - Carnivore Nomads (part-time or full-time)
    - Carnivore Bodybuilders/Fitness Professionals
    - Carnivore Medical Professionals
    - Carnivore Travelers
    - Carnivore Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts/Athletes
    - Carnivore Moms & Dads
    - All STRICT Carnivores

    Please try to answer all questions thoughtfully.

    1. What is your favorite life quote? (Required)
    2. Why did you adopt the carnivore diet? (Required)
    3. What changes did you make to adjust to the diet? (Required)
    4. What challenges did you face when switching to the carnivore diet? (Required)
    5. How did you overcome those challenges? (Required)
    6. What does success look like for you? (Required)

    By submitting this form you agree Nomadic Meat, Inc. has the right to publish your interview on nomadicmeat.com and to record, distribute, and disseminate the interview in any manner. You also agree to allow Nomadic Meat, Inc. to retain rights to the interview for potential future use in speeches, books and in all other public distribution.